Sure-Weigh – Eating Plan Instructions
This menu is for you to follow, with your eating and is intended as a guide. The moment we go on a diet, our mind tells us we are being denied something and we instantly feel deprived. That is my experience, does this ring a bell of truth for you? If so, we need to listen and re-tune our own body clock, so that we eat, only when hungry. Watch people who are naturally a healthy weight- they do this automatically.
This is a sensible healthy menu for you to choose from, and you will learn to listen to what your body needs. You then begin to realize that you can never fill an emotional hole with food. The word diet simply means food, a new way of eating for life is your aim.
By eating one meal, in whichever order you choose from each section and including the milk, vegetable, salad, and fat allowance, you will be consuming approximately 1,000 calories (unit of energy) per day. As your body needs at least half that again on average to maintain weight, by eating less a weight loss is likely to occur.
A golden rule – eat when hungry and stop when comfortable. If you are still hungry and have followed the guidelines you can allow yourself two of the 100 calorie snacks extra from Section 4 of the plan and still lose weight! You will still only be eating 1200 calories approximately.